Bryant Wong Picture

Hi I'm Bryant,
A full-stack developer

Specializing In:

Nice To Meet You!

I am a software engineer with experience in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, REACTjs, the Django Stack, and the MERN Stack. My background in digital marketing has given me an eye for detail and experience with reading documentation to learn new technologies. I am passionate about problem solving, love testing and learning. Along with programing I love to cook (and eat). I'm never too far from either a kitchen or keyboard.

My projects

Splendid Spoon

I worked as a contributing full-stack developer on this website for 2 years. E-commernce meal kit delivery website.

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Bootstrap
  • Redux
  • Zustand
  • Django
  • Python
  • Hugo

Splendor Board Game

An Online version of the resource management board game Splendor! Candy themed. (similiar to the game Cantan)

  • Reactjs
  • Next.js
  • Express
  • Socket.io
  • Node
  • MongoDB
  • Tailwind

Flappy Bird

Version of the mobile game flappy bird, with a 3d version

  • Reactjs
  • Next.js
  • Three.js
  • Node
  • Tailwind

E-Commerce App

An Ecommerce Store where users can buy products and leave reviews, and admin users can create products and product categories

  • Reactjs
  • TypeScript
  • Redux
  • Reactjs
  • Stripe
  • GraphQL
  • Node
  • Express
  • MongoDB

Trivia Ranker

A quiz game where users can play trivia quiz games of various difficulty, save scores, and see top ranking players.

  • Reactjs
  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • GraphQL
  • Node
  • MongoDB
  • Bootstap

My skills

  • React.js
  • Redux
  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind
  • Zustand
  • Hugo
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • SASS
  • Typescript
  • Nextjs
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Django
  • SQL
  • Postgres
  • MongoDB
  • GraphQL

Want To Work Togther?

View Resume


Please contact me directly at bryanthwong@gmail.com or through this form.